Unlocking the Path to Liberation: A Journey Through Saint Muktabai's Doha

Saint Muktabai, a revered 13th-century spiritual luminary, offers us profound wisdom through her dohas, each a gateway to deeper understanding and spiritual awakening. One such doha reads:

"मन की गांठें खोल दे, प्रभु का नाम सुमिर।
मुक्ति का द्वार खोलता, साधु संगत सुकर्म।"

(Untie the knots of the mind, remember the Lord's name.
The door to liberation opens with the company of the righteous and good deeds.)

This doha is a call to embark on an inner journey, a path where spiritual liberation is not merely a distant goal but an ever-present possibility. Saint Muktabai's words invite us to examine the "knots" that bind our minds, to explore the significance of divine remembrance, and to recognize the transformative power of righteous company and good deeds.

The Knots of the Mind: Barriers to Liberation

In this doha, Saint Muktabai refers to the "knots of the mind," which symbolize the entanglements of our thoughts, emotions, and desires. These knots are the mental and emotional blockages that keep us trapped in a cycle of ignorance and suffering. They are the fears, doubts, attachments, and misconceptions that cloud our perception and prevent us from realizing our true nature.

These knots are not just abstract concepts; they manifest in our daily lives as stress, anxiety, anger, and confusion. They keep us bound to the material world, limiting our ability to experience the divine within and around us. Saint Muktabai urges us to untie these knots, to release the mental and emotional burdens that hold us back from spiritual freedom.

The Power of Divine Remembrance

The act of untying these knots begins with the remembrance of the Lord's name, or "Prabhu ka naam sumiran." In the realm of spirituality, this remembrance is not merely the repetition of a name but a deep, conscious connection with the divine. It is an invocation of divine presence within oneself, a practice that transcends words and becomes a living, breathing reality.

When we remember the Lord's name with sincerity and devotion, it acts as a powerful tool to cleanse the mind. It purifies our thoughts, aligns our intentions, and brings us into harmony with the divine will. This practice helps us transcend the ego, dissolving the barriers that separate us from our true self and from the divine.

The Role of Righteous Company and Good Deeds

Saint Muktabai's doha further emphasizes the importance of "sadhu sangat" (the company of the righteous) and "sukarm" (good deeds). The company we keep has a profound impact on our spiritual journey. Righteous company inspires us, guides us, and supports our growth. It helps us stay focused on our spiritual goals and encourages us to live a life of virtue and integrity.

Good deeds, or sukarm, are the expressions of our inner purity and divine connection. They are the tangible manifestations of our spiritual progress. Through good deeds, we serve others, uplift our communities, and contribute to the greater good. These actions not only benefit others but also purify our own hearts and minds, bringing us closer to liberation.

A Divergent Perspective on Spiritual Liberation

Saint Muktabai's teachings offer a unique perspective on spiritual liberation, one that goes beyond the conventional understanding. Liberation is not a distant, otherworldly state to be achieved after death. It is a living reality that we can experience here and now by untangling the knots of the mind, remembering the divine, and living a life of righteousness.

This perspective invites us to see liberation not as an endpoint but as a process, an ongoing journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. It challenges us to move beyond the dualities of life, to transcend the ego, and to experience the unity of all existence.

Practical Toolkit for Daily Practice

To incorporate the wisdom of this doha into your daily life, here is a practical toolkit:

  1. Daily Meditation and Mantra Practice:
    • Morning Mantra: Begin each day by chanting a divine name or mantra that resonates with you. Focus on the sound and meaning, allowing it to penetrate deeply into your consciousness.
    • Mindful Breathing: Throughout the day, practice mindful breathing, using your breath as a reminder of the divine presence within you.
  2. Reflection and Journaling:
    • Evening Reflection: Spend a few minutes each evening reflecting on the knots in your mind. Identify any negative thoughts or emotions that have surfaced during the day and consciously release them.
    • Gratitude Journal: Maintain a journal where you write down the things you are grateful for each day. This practice helps shift your focus from negativity to positivity.
  3. Seek Righteous Company:
    • Community Involvement: Engage with spiritual or like-minded communities that uplift and inspire you. Participate in group meditations, discussions, or service activities.
    • Mentorship: Seek guidance from a spiritual mentor or teacher who can support your growth and help you navigate challenges.
  4. Perform Acts of Kindness:
    • Daily Acts of Service: Make it a habit to perform at least one act of kindness each day, whether it's helping a neighbour, volunteering, or simply offering a kind word.
    • Practice Generosity: Cultivate the habit of giving, whether it be time, resources, or support to those in need.
  5. Mindful Living:
    • Simplify Your Life: Reduce distractions and simplify your daily routines to create space for spiritual practices.
    • Conscious Consumption: Be mindful of what you consume, whether it be food, media, or information. Choose what nourishes your mind, body, and spirit.

Looking Ahead

Saint Muktabai's doha offers a profound roadmap for spiritual liberation, guiding us to untie the knots of the mind, remember the divine, and surround ourselves with righteousness. By integrating these practices into our daily lives, we open the door to liberation, not as a distant goal, but as a present reality. Embrace this journey with an open heart, and let the light of the divine guide you towards true freedom and peace.
