The Divine Colours: Transformation Through Devotion

Saint Muktabai’s doha, “Prabhu ke rang mein rang lo, mit jaaye sab paap. Vitthala ka naam le, ho jaaye sab aap,” invites us into the transformative embrace of divine love and surrender. Let’s break this doha down to explore its spiritual depth and practical significance in our lives.

The doha begins with the phrase “Prabhu ke rang mein rang lo,” which can be understood as an invitation to immerse ourselves in the divine hues of the Lord. Spiritually speaking, these divine colors are not just a metaphor for joy or vibrancy—they symbolize the profound transformation that occurs when we allow the divine presence to colour our hearts and lives. When we surrender to the divine will, we shed the layers of our ego, pride, anger, and other negative tendencies, becoming immersed in the qualities of love, compassion, patience, and grace.

The idea of being “coloured” in the divine hues can be interpreted as aligning our life with divine energy. This is a process of letting go of individual desires and ego-driven motivations, allowing ourselves to be shaped and moulded by the qualities of the divine. It represents the spiritual journey of dissolving the personal self into the universal self.

Dissolving Sins: The Cleansing Power of Devotion

The second part of this line, “Mit jaaye sab paap,” speaks of the dissolution of sins through the process of immersion in the divine. Here, sins are not merely moral transgressions but also refer to the inner blocks, fears, and ignorance that prevent us from realizing our true nature. These obstacles cloud our minds, leading us into suffering, restlessness, and separation from the divine.

In the context of spirituality, the dissolution of sins is akin to the removal of karmic burdens and the dissolution of negative tendencies. When we immerse ourselves in divine love, these burdens naturally fall away. The doha is a reminder that the path to liberation is not through intellectual pursuit or external acts, but through the purification of the heart and mind by divine grace.

The Name of Vitthala: The Power of Devotion

The second line, “Vitthala ka naam le, ho jaaye sab aap,” emphasizes the power of chanting or meditating on the name of Vitthala (a form of Lord Vishnu). Vitthala represents the supreme consciousness, the divine essence that pervades all creation. By taking the name of Vitthala, we are not merely calling out to a deity—we are invoking the divine presence within ourselves.

The name of Vitthala serves as a bridge to connect the individual soul with the universal soul. In many spiritual traditions, the practice of chanting or repeating the name of God is considered one of the most direct ways to experience divine presence. When we engage in this practice with love and devotion, we gradually dissolve our sense of separateness and merge into the oneness of all.

The phrase “ho jaaye sab aap” signifies the completion of the self, or the realization of the true self. This is the ultimate goal of spiritual practice: to become complete, whole, and one with the divine. In this state of self-realization, the ego no longer dictates our actions; instead, we live in alignment with the divine will, experiencing peace, joy, and oneness with all creation.

A Divergent Perspective: Oneness Through Devotion

Saint Muktabai's doha offers a unique and divergent perspective on spirituality by highlighting the simplicity and purity of devotion. In a world often focused on complex rituals and intellectual pursuits, this doha brings us back to the heart of spirituality—surrender and love. The divine is not something to be attained or conquered but to be embraced. By colouring ourselves in the divine, we allow transformation to happen naturally, without struggle or force.

This perspective emphasizes that spirituality is not a process of accumulation (of knowledge, rituals, or achievements) but a process of shedding—letting go of the ego, desires, and attachments. It is through this letting go that we discover our true, divine self.

Practical Toolkit for Daily Life

To incorporate the teachings of this doha into your daily life, consider these practical steps:

  1. Daily Chanting or Meditation on the Divine Name: Set aside time each day to chant the name of Vitthala or any divine form you resonate with. This practice can be done in the morning or evening, creating a peaceful connection with the divine energy within you.
  2. Immerse Yourself in Devotional Practices: Engage in activities that bring you closer to the divine. This could be singing devotional songs, reading spiritual texts, or simply spending time in nature with a sense of reverence for the divine presence in all things.
  3. Let Go of Ego-Driven Desires: Reflect on areas of your life where you are driven by ego or attachment. Practice surrendering these desires to the divine, trusting that you are guided and supported by a higher power.
  4. Act with Compassion and Love: Allow the divine love you cultivate within to flow into your interactions with others. Act with kindness, patience, and compassion in all your relationships, knowing that this love is a reflection of the divine.
  5. Visualize the Divine Colors: During meditation or quiet moments, visualize yourself being immersed in divine colors—vibrant hues of love, peace, and joy. This visualization can help you align your energy with the qualities of the divine.

Looking Ahead

Saint Muktabai’s doha offers a simple yet profound message: immerse yourself in the divine, and all will be well. By colouring ourselves in the divine hues of love and devotion, we dissolve our inner obstacles and realize our true, complete self. Through daily devotion and surrender, we embark on the path of liberation and spiritual fulfillment.

