Unity with the Divine

The concept of unity with the Divine is central to the teachings of Sant Paltu. According to him, the ultimate spiritual goal is the merging of the individual soul (atma) with the Supreme Being (paramatma), a state where the boundaries of self dissolve into the infinite. This oneness with God is not a distant, abstract idea; it is the very essence of spiritual fulfillment.

In our daily lives, we experience separation—between ourselves and others, between the divine and the mundane, between the soul and its source. Sant Paltu taught that this perception of separation is merely an illusion, much like the concept of Maya. The soul’s journey is about breaking through these layers of perceived difference and realizing the inherent oneness with the Divine that has always been present.

Sant Paltu's vision of oneness is profound in its simplicity. He describes it as a reunion with our true nature, a return to the source from which we emerged. It is not a merger in the sense of losing oneself, but rather a discovery that our soul and the Divine were never separate to begin with. The illusion of separation falls away as we awaken to the reality that the divine presence is both within and around us.

This state of unity is often depicted as one of deep peace and limitless joy, but it is more than a state of being—it is a way of living. When the soul realizes its oneness with God, life itself is transformed. Every action, every interaction, and every thought is imbued with divine consciousness. The soul no longer moves through life as an isolated entity, but as an expression of the Divine will. This is true freedom, where one acts in alignment with the cosmic flow rather than through the limitations of ego.

One of the most divergent aspects of Sant Paltu’s teachings on unity with the Divine is that he does not present this concept as something far away or difficult to achieve. While many spiritual paths speak of the arduous journey to oneness, Sant Paltu emphasizes that this unity is available here and now. It is not a destination that requires years of austerity; it is a realization that can occur in any moment, through the simplest acts of devotion and awareness.

He encourages us to remove the barriers we create through our limited thinking, through our attachment to the material world, and through our identification with the ego. When these obstacles are lifted, the Divine reveals itself—not as something separate from us but as the very essence of who we are.

The beauty of this teaching lies in its accessibility. Sant Paltu invites us to experience this unity through devotion (bhakti), through the awareness of the divine presence in every aspect of life, and through surrender. By letting go of our individual desires and ego-driven actions, we create space for the Divine to work through us. This surrender is not about losing control but about gaining clarity—a clarity that comes when the soul is in harmony with its true nature.

Practical Toolkit for Experiencing Unity with the Divine

  1. Daily Prayer of Surrender: Start each day by offering a simple prayer of surrender to the Divine. Acknowledge that you are part of the greater whole and invite the divine presence to guide your actions.
  2. Mindful Unity: Throughout the day, practice mindfulness by reminding yourself that the divine presence exists in all things. Whether you’re speaking with a colleague, cooking a meal, or walking outside, recognize the oneness that connects you to everything.
  3. Meditation on Divine Oneness: Dedicate time each day to meditate on the concept of oneness. Close your eyes and visualize your soul merging with the infinite light of the Divine. Feel the boundaries of your individuality dissolve into the vastness of divine love.
  4. Act from Love: Make a conscious effort to perform every action from a place of love. When you interact with others, remind yourself that they are also an expression of the Divine. Treat them with the same kindness and respect you would offer to God.
  5. Release of Ego: Practice self-inquiry by reflecting on moments when your ego tries to take control. Whether it’s through pride, anger, or attachment to outcomes, gently release these tendencies and invite the divine flow to guide your responses instead.
  6. Chanting Divine Names: Incorporate chanting or repeating God’s name throughout your day. This practice aligns your mind with the divine frequency and helps you stay connected to the greater whole.
  7. Seva (Selfless Service): Engage in acts of selfless service without expectation of reward. Through serving others, you recognize the Divine in every soul and transcend the limitations of the individual ego.
  8. Gratitude for Unity: Before going to bed, take a moment to reflect on the unity you experienced during the day. Whether in small moments of connection or in profound realizations, express gratitude for the divine presence in your life.

By following these practices, you can begin to dissolve the illusion of separation and experience the unity with the Divine that Sant Paltu teaches. This oneness is not a distant goal but an ever-present reality, waiting for us to awaken to it. When the soul merges with the Divine, life itself becomes an expression of divine love, and true spiritual liberation is achieved.
