The Freedom of Love Beyond Illusion: A Reflection on Sant Muktabai's Wisdom

In the doha "माया मोह के बंधन में, फंसे जो प्रीत। संत का संग वही है, सच्ची भक्त की रीत।" (In the bonds of illusion and attachment, love does not get trapped. The company of saints is the true tradition of a devotee), Saint Muktabai presents a profound insight into the nature of spiritual love and devotion. Her words urge us to transcend the illusions of the material world and connect with the divine essence, which can only be realized through the company of saints and the path of true devotion.

The Illusion of Maya and Its Bonds

The concept of maya, often translated as illusion, refers to the worldly attachments and desires that cloud our perception of reality. In spirituality, maya is seen as the force that binds us to the material world, creating a cycle of attachment, suffering, and separation from our true selves. We often get entangled in relationships, possessions, and achievements that seem meaningful but, in reality, keep us distant from spiritual growth.

Sant Muktabai's wisdom here tells us that true love does not get trapped in these illusory bonds. The love she refers to is not the love of possession or attachment but a higher, divine love that remains untouched by the fleeting nature of material reality. This kind of love is pure, selfless, and eternal—a love that is the very foundation of a spiritual life.

The Company of Saints: A Gateway to Liberation

Saint Muktabai emphasizes the importance of the satsang (company of saints) for those who seek true devotion. The satsang is not merely a gathering of people but a space where the essence of divine love can be experienced and nurtured. In the presence of saints or enlightened beings, the illusions of maya fade, and the devotee is guided toward the ultimate truth.

When we align ourselves with spiritually inclined individuals or communities, their collective energy helps us break free from worldly attachments. Their wisdom and compassion serve as a mirror, reflecting back the futility of chasing material desires. Through their guidance, we learn to cultivate a love that is boundless and unwavering, connecting us to the divine.

The Tradition of True Devotion

Sant Muktabai speaks of sachi bhakti (true devotion) as the essence of spiritual life. In true devotion, there is no expectation or attachment. It is a form of love that is complete in itself—offered freely to the divine without any desire for reward. This kind of devotion is rooted in humility, surrender, and a deep connection to the divine presence that permeates everything.

In the modern world, we are constantly pulled in multiple directions by responsibilities, relationships, and ambitions. However, Saint Muktabai's teachings remind us that no matter how complex our outer life may become, the inner journey is a process of simplifying and purifying our love. In this journey, we learn to let go of the desires that trap us in maya, finding freedom in a heart that is devoted only to the divine.

Practical Toolkit: Breaking Free from Maya

To incorporate the wisdom of this doha into daily life, here is a practical toolkit:

  1. Daily Reflection on Love’s Purpose

Set aside 10 minutes each day to reflect on the nature of your love. Is it attached to outcomes, people, or material gains? Gently shift your focus toward cultivating selfless love, with no expectation in return. Let this become a sacred practice.

  1. Satsang Participation

Regularly participate in spiritual communities, online or offline, where the focus is on nurturing a higher love. This could be through meditation groups, reading spiritual texts with others, or engaging in philosophical discussions. The energy of shared spiritual inquiry helps dissolve maya.

  1. Detach Through Gratitude

Cultivate gratitude for everything in your life without becoming attached to it. Recognize that all relationships, possessions, and experiences are fleeting. When you practice gratitude without attachment, the bonds of illusion start to loosen.

  1. Practice Selfless Service

Engage in acts of service where your sole focus is on giving, without any expectation of receiving. Whether it's volunteering, helping a friend, or simply offering kindness to strangers, these acts will help you embody the spirit of true devotion that Sant Muktabai speaks of.

  1. Contemplative Journaling

Maintain a journal where you write about your attachments and your attempts to release them. Be honest with yourself about the things that keep you bound to maya. Over time, track how your mindset evolves as you deepen your spiritual practice.

  1. Recite or Chant the Divine Name

Sant Muktabai emphasizes the importance of remembering the divine. Incorporate the chanting or recitation of a divine name or mantra into your daily routine. This practice is a powerful way to keep your mind focused on the eternal, freeing you from the illusory nature of the material world.

Looking Ahead

Saint Muktabai’s doha is a timeless reminder that true spiritual love transcends the bonds of illusion and attachment. By aligning ourselves with the company of saints and nurturing a heart of pure devotion, we can break free from the cycle of maya and step into the light of divine grace. Let her wisdom guide you, not just in thought, but in action, as you cultivate a life of true devotion, free from attachment and filled with love for the divine.
