The Illusion of Separation: Understanding the Perishable Nature of All Things

 The Illusion of Separation: Understanding the Perishable Nature of All Things

In Sant Kabir’s verse, “Bharat janne hain tum, sab kuch nashwar hai; Sab hai ek hai, bhinna nahi hai,” we are presented with a profound truth that resonates deeply with both spiritual seekers and everyday individuals. Sant Kabir’s simple yet powerful message reveals the impermanence of the world around us and urges us to recognize the oneness that lies beneath the surface. When we start seeing beyond the illusions that separate us, we begin to grasp the true essence of life.

The Fragility of the Material World

Everything in life is perishable—our bodies, our possessions, and even our emotions. It’s easy to get caught up in the attachments and desires of the material world. We strive to accumulate wealth, chase success, and seek approval from others, believing that these things will provide lasting happiness. But the reality is that all these things are fleeting.

This realization often comes in moments of loss. When we lose something we once held dear—a relationship, a career, or even our health—we are forced to confront the fact that everything we’ve invested our energy in can vanish in an instant. Sant Kabir’s wisdom nudges us toward a different approach to life, where we stop clinging to things that are bound to disappear and, instead, shift our focus to the imperishable truth that binds us all: unity.

The Oneness of All Existence

When Sant Kabir says, “Sab hai ek hai, bhinna nahi hai,” he is pointing us toward the idea that all life is interconnected. We tend to divide the world into categories: rich and poor, success and failure, good and bad. Yet, when we look deeper, we realize that all these distinctions are artificial. Beneath the surface, there is no separation—just different manifestations of the same universal energy.

This perspective helps us see the world not as a battlefield of competition, but as a web of interdependent relationships. When we hurt others, we ultimately hurt ourselves. When we extend kindness, it ripples through the fabric of life, uplifting everyone—including us. The essence of this teaching is that true fulfillment comes from recognizing and honoring our shared humanity.

A New Perspective on Life

To truly understand this teaching, we must look inward and change our approach to everyday life. Most of us operate from a place of ego, driven by self-interest and a belief in our individuality. We believe that by amassing personal success, we are securing our place in the world. Sant Kabir teaches us to dismantle this illusion and invites us to embrace a more expansive, holistic view of existence.

When we start seeing others as extensions of ourselves, our outlook on life changes. Compassion and empathy become natural responses, and we start to appreciate the journey of life in its entirety rather than focusing on personal gains or losses. We stop identifying with transient things like our careers, possessions, and even our individual achievements. Instead, we start to see our life as a small yet significant part of a greater cosmic play.

A Toolkit for Integrating Oneness into Your Daily Life

While this concept may seem abstract, there are practical ways to incorporate it into your daily routine. Here’s a simple toolkit to help you live in alignment with Sant Kabir’s message:

  1. Morning Reflection: Before starting your day, take five minutes to reflect on the interconnectedness of all life. Sit in silence, close your eyes, and remind yourself that everything you encounter today—people, situations, and even your emotions—are interconnected and fleeting. This practice will ground you in the reality of oneness.
  2. Gratitude Practice: At the end of each day, write down three things you are grateful for that remind you of life’s interconnectedness. This could be a conversation with a friend, a moment of stillness in nature, or even an act of kindness you witnessed. Gratitude will shift your focus from separateness to unity.
  3. Mindful Interactions: During your day, practice being fully present in your interactions with others. Listen without judgment and speak with compassion. Remind yourself that the person in front of you is not separate from you but a reflection of the same universal energy. This will deepen your sense of empathy and connection.
  4. Release Attachment: When faced with setbacks or losses, practice letting go of attachment. Recognize that nothing in life is permanent and that clinging to perishable things will only lead to suffering. Instead, focus on what remains constant—the underlying unity of existence.
  5. Meditation on Impermanence: Spend ten minutes each day meditating on the impermanent nature of all things. Visualize yourself letting go of everything you’ve ever owned, every identity you’ve ever held, and imagine merging into the vast oneness of the universe. This practice will cultivate detachment and a deeper sense of peace.

Looking Ahead

Sant Kabir’s wisdom is an invitation to shift our consciousness from a fragmented worldview to one of unity. When we recognize the perishable nature of all things and see the interconnectedness of life, we liberate ourselves from the illusions of separation. This shift brings us closer to our true selves and allows us to live in harmony with the world around us. The journey from ego to oneness may be challenging, but it is the path to lasting fulfillment.
