"The Soul, The Devotee, The One: A Journey of Unity"

 Saint Tukaram’s doha, "Apan atma, apan bhakta, ek hote" — "We are the soul, we are the devotee; we are one," encapsulates a profound spiritual truth. It transcends the typical understanding of separation between the individual and the divine. This doha invites us into an experience of oneness, where the distinction between the worshiper and the object of worship dissolves, leaving only the presence of unity.

The Essence of Oneness

At the heart of this doha lies the non-duality of existence. We often perceive ourselves as separate from the divine, as individuals who are striving to connect with a higher power. In this perception, we see ourselves as the devotee, and God as the object of our devotion. However, Sant Tukaram shatters this illusion of separation. He emphasizes that at the deepest level, the soul and the divine are one.

To understand this, we must recognize the core of what spirituality teaches us: the separation we experience is an illusion created by our limited understanding of self. The soul, our true essence, is a spark of the divine. When we act as devotees, we are not just reaching out to something external but awakening the divinity already present within us.

The Union of Devotion and Self

The relationship between the soul and devotion is beautifully illustrated in this doha. Devotion, or bhakti, is often seen as a path to connecting with God. However, Sant Tukaram’s insight here is radical—it’s not just about connection, but about realizing the oneness that already exists. The act of devotion doesn’t create unity, it reveals it.

When we offer devotion, we are not pleading for divine attention; rather, we are waking up to the truth that we are already one with the divine. In this way, bhakti becomes not an act of worship but an act of self-realization.

Beyond the Ego

This doha challenges the ego, which thrives on the belief that we are separate individuals with personal struggles, desires, and achievements. The ego seeks to divide: it makes us feel that we are small and that the divine is something to be pursued, often unreachable. But when we grasp the meaning of this doha, the ego is dissolved.

The realization that “I am both the soul and the devotee” creates a profound shift. There is no longer a need to seek something outside ourselves. We are already complete, already divine. This understanding brings immense peace because it dissolves the constant struggle to become something else. In truth, we are already what we are searching for.

Practical Toolkit for Daily Unity

To bring the wisdom of this doha into your daily life, consider the following practices. These are designed to help you experience the oneness that Sant Tukaram speaks of, not just intellectually, but in your lived experience.

  1. Morning Affirmation of Oneness: Begin your day with a simple affirmation: “I am the soul, I am the devotee, I am one with the divine.” This statement sets the tone for the day, reminding you of your unity with the universe.
  2. Devotional Meditation: Set aside 10 minutes each day for a bhakti meditation. Close your eyes, focus on your breath, and mentally chant the name of the divine (such as Vitthal or any other form you resonate with). As you do this, imagine the divine presence as an inseparable part of your being, not outside of you, but within you.
  3. Gratitude as Devotion: Throughout the day, practice gratitude as a form of devotion. Whether you are thankful for a kind gesture, a beautiful moment, or even a challenge, recognize that these experiences are part of your oneness with the divine.
  4. Ego-Free Prayer: When you pray, shift your mindset from asking for things to expressing unity. Instead of praying for outcomes, simply say, “I am already one with you, and I trust in the flow of life.”
  5. Self-Reflection at Night: Before bed, take a moment to reflect on your day. Ask yourself: Where did I feel separate? Where did I feel connected to the divine? This practice will help you gradually reduce the moments of feeling divided and increase the experience of unity.

A Journey to Wholeness

Sant Tukaram’s doha is a call to remember our inherent unity with the divine. It strips away the illusions of separation and brings us face to face with the truth of our existence: that we are the soul, we are the devotee, and in the eyes of the divine, we are one. The journey of spirituality, then, is not about reaching out to something external but about realizing the oneness that has always been within us.

This realization not only changes how we relate to the divine but also transforms how we relate to ourselves and others. When we see the oneness in all things, our actions, thoughts, and emotions become more aligned with love, peace, and truth. By incorporating the practices outlined here, you can begin to live from this place of unity, bringing the wisdom of Saint Tukaram’s doha into every aspect of your life.
